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Monday, March 29, 2010

Why Psychology/Christian Counseling?

Right now at this point in life, I am interested in pursuing Psychology/Christian Counseling. I would love to work with youth aged students, because I feel like I am able to connect with teens. God placed an indescribable passion in my heart for teenagers. I am not 100% sure that I will be used in the Psychology/Counseling field, but I do know that whatever I end up doing, will involve youth. I realized that this was my passion while I was still in High school. For my high school career, I was involved in a touring group. We presented different awareness’s through dance, drama, and vocal. Our mission was to present, and offer peer to peer mediation. After conversing with numerous diverse teens, I came to knowledge that I wanted to continue mediation, even after high school was finished
. I don’t take this internal passion for granted. Like I stated previously, God gives us all different gifts, talents, aspirations, and passions. Helping others is what I am here to do. Helping them find the true meaning in life, and simply meeting them where they are at in life. As of right now counseling is an aspiration of mine, therefore I’m going to pursue this goal until it is met, or until God gives me a new direction to take. My hope is that through this assignment, I will have a clearer understanding of which path to take.


  1. Hey! It's totally awesome you are letting God help you decide what to do with your life. It's good to know there is actually someone in this class that has a little depth other than my friend Julie. I was in a program called Masters Commission in Dallas TX all last year. It's kinda like a mini seminary school. It's based out of the Assembly's of God denomination. I'm currently running a very small youth group in Prescott Valley for my Dad's church called New Life Outreach. Maybe when we get bigger you could check us out or maybe get involved. We're an outreach church so everything's pretty evangelistic. =) Keep on following God's will and everything will work out. ROM 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" now you have some Christian friends on campus lol - Tommy

  2. Hey Tommy! It's always cool to meet people who love the Lord; and is actually willing to live their life for God, and Him alone! That's awesome you were able to do Masters Commission last year, I've heard it's a great program. Right now, I lead a small group for high school girls at the Heights Church. God is totally blessing me by the whole experience! I would love to go and check that out sometime! You should come to our college group (4:Twelve) on Sunday nights at 7. It's another great way to meet Christian friends :)Thanks for allowing God to use your life for His glory! -Maren
