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Friday, April 9, 2010

Interview with Diana

On a late Friday afternoon I interviewed a woman named Diana, while she was painting pottery with one of her clients. She works through the company West Yavapai Guidance Center, and is currently a Family/Peer support partner.
One of the questions I asked was, “Why is it important for someone to have a mediator/Counselor?” Diana responded by answering this question in several ways. One that I found intriguing is the fact that the client has someone to listen to them and a person to rely on. Diana began to tell a story of her and one of her clients; and the joy she found in simply eating Lucky Charms while building a deeper relationship. “That is what it is all about, following Christ’s example, and reaching out to individuals where they are at in life. It is not about trying to change who they are, but instead loving them for who they are.” Diana, who had struggled with Drug addiction and abuse for a long time, stated her passion for each client. She relates to what most of them are going through, because of her past. God is now using her testimony to help others now in the same situation, or recovering from that lifestyle.
I also asked Diana about the positive and negative aspects of this field. Diana believes that it is rewarding to see the growth in not only the clients, but in her personal life. She often times, finds herself benefiting from the other individuals influence. Diana’s exact words were, “I truly feel blessed that God placed these people in my life.” This is the top fulfillment from her experience. On the other hand, Diana finds it difficult to separate her personal life from work. It is easy to get caught up in helping others; yet she forgets to find time for herself. Another question was regarding the work conditions, and environment. Diana will usually meet with her clients in a comfortable atmosphere. This invites them to willingly open up, as opposed to an office setting.
Just by talking with Diana for a short hour, I could see the joy she finds in her job. She mentioned how much she loves going to work! “I go bowling, shopping, pottery painting, hiking, picnicking, and I get paid for doing so!” Although all these things are fun, I believe the true reason Diana enjoys her job so much is by simply meeting people where they are at; and showing the same love, God showed her. Reading the Bible, and allowing Jesus to use her life, is what began the true recovery in her life. Christian values are important in the process of mentoring/counseling others. One, who responds to God tugging their heart, will make a difference in the peer support. After listening to Diana’s heart, I see that this is a job that she genuinely enjoys, and she loves to help others through it.

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